How can I be happy? My life tells me otherwise ...

You know those people who are struggling to see "light at the end of the tunnel" or do not know which way forward?
Perhaps you recognize yourself in this situation.

It is true that certain problems and events are painful, complex, and dramatic and they are not always the result of our choices. Sometimes we undergo a trial without having provoked. It is not your fault if you were laid off for economic reasons, it is not your fault if you harassing you, if you violent, if you are still single, if the international news is shocking and overwhelming ... true, we do not control all events that affect us. In addition, sometimes they we "fall" without warning and we have to "manage" the situation.

Then there are those days when you get up "left foot" and, as if by magic, or sorcery, or an unlucky star, a sign of destiny, all that you undertake that day fair. You will have the impression that everything and everyone is bent on you, everything is connected and everything seems to happen at the same time...

Your entourage is the same as yesterday, the world is the same as yesterday, but everything falls on you...

We all have "good reasons" to feel overwhelmed. However, this state weighing suggests that we are victims of external events.

"You do not know my life or my problems," then one of the defensive thinking you might hear.

Yes, it's true, we do not know the problems of others as they live, we do not know the context in which they are located: it's their map, their feelings, their emotions and they are probably right: for them, it's unbearable!

Well then, you must know others who seem to stay happy in any situation!

How is this possible? Are they sincere or just a "front"?

Do they have a secret? If they succeed them, is it possible for me?

What makes the difference between a person "overwhelmed" repeatedly through life and one that seems to benefit from it all and come out the winner of all situations? Every little thing is enough to get them excited. Breathing or be healthy and to live them enough! Yet fundamentally, the situations in which they are often the same as yours! They too have their trials. They were just like you, but there is a good chance they manage them differently and they give them a different meaning.

So what is their secret?

It is interesting to do a little analysis on behavior and how they are created to become unconscious habits. Take time to inventories your "mental strategies" unconscious to be aware in order to understand what is happening and what can be improved.

Our behavior, our way of looking at various situations, interpret them are the result of a multitude of processes and become unconscious habits.

We are not born with these patterns: they are created over the years, in mimicry of force (our parents, our spouse,), to rehearsals force. Our family, social, professional, everything that touches us, contributing to the construction of our perceptions, our character, our interpretations, our feelings, our emotions.

This is a result of repetitions of thoughts, findings, actions in the same direction and conclusions that our judgment and our unconscious habits form our own 'strategy of thinking. "We have all, without exception, developed various "strategies" for this or that situation that will guide emotions, choices, and behaviors. We have a sort of "automatic mode" to respond to situations.

Is it possible to control our states of mind and if so, how?

The state in which you find yourself will inevitably influence your decisions and feelings. Some states or emotions are fertile while others will be crippling.

Not convinced?

Make a small demonstration:

Suppose for a moment a situation "X" (take a position that suits you best) and review the reaction you get when you are in a state of anxiety, and then repeat the same exercise for the same position by imagining yourself in the following states, do it, you see, it is essential to understand and integrate this principle!

Enjoy this experience as a small piece of internal drama, just for you.

Take this situation and, as a theatrical game, how would you react if you were:

- angry
- Have a sense of injustice
- vexed
- Not sure (e) you

- Happy (see)
- enthusiastic
- Convinced that there is a solution
- Sure (e) you

Every spirit will guide a different behavior, generate a different decision, yet the situation is the same!

Give meaning to soothe events. The unknown or misunderstanding feed anxieties and destructive emotions.

Find the path that will give meaning to your surroundings, do not suffer, but decide to do something else. Whether in thought, religion, spirituality, philosophy or reading a book, put your positive and constructive beliefs into practice. Live fully what you believe to the extent that it is the positive and constructive course.

Another exercise is to remember a past experience. Any provided it is linked to a strong emotion.

Consider a vacation, a release, a happy event, trauma, ...

If you close your eyes and you focus, you will find that all the emotions at the time back as if by magic, as if you were there! And yet you are no longer!

Well, you can do the same for the good experiences and feed your state of mind or visualizing your future life: how it will become because you are the master! You can appeal to your emotions by a mental exercise: you choose to feed better or maintain depression.

Playing in this "piece of inner theater" gives you the ability to use various representations and emotions on command!

You can edit your performances to end the paralyzing mindsets and create new ones!

You are then passed through the first step: know what you want to feel, or perform live.

Then the next step is to act naturally. You do not want to stay in a state of reverie: your life will not change and will remain a fairy tale. You must take steps which will provide you the best opportunity to produce the desired effect.

Contrary to what many believe, we are masters of our states of mind and not their slaves and stun limiting. This already asked to believe and exercise, perseverance. Initially, you will do things consciously, provoked. Continue consciously and continue until it becomes an unconscious habit.

Happiness is a state of mind! Think about it.

Inspire yourself with examples of people who have come out of possible situations that always seem to be happy regardless of their situation. Failures and misfortunes, there are around us without having to search.

Change: it requires will, effort, self-sacrifice, perseverance, and faith.

Finally, remember: this is not because it is difficult that it is impossible ... Changing a habit is always painful, but perseverance always pays!

No one is born with a predisposition to failure. Anyone can succeed!

Your servant in optimism, 

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